

      SKYBACK fits a two-dimensional surface of degree up to 10
 to the sky background of a map.  For input, one can use the TV cursor-
 box to define an arbitrary number of regions or one can input just one
 area manually.  Provision is made for ignoring edited areas (zero values)
 or applying a weighting file.  The mean or the most probable value can
 be used when using the TV cursor box.  For output, there are three
 choices:  one may compute the best fit to the sky values in the map and
 produce a new map of the best fitted surface (one may subtract the average
 sky from this if desired);  one may produce a new map
 with the surface subtracted from the original map and the average
 sky added to it;  or one may do both.


 Enter an option:                               7-NOV-2000 20:04:40.20

 SKYBACK, Version 4
 Open the file to be fitted
 Enter the filename:  (<CR> for default)
 There is one map in the file
 Reading from the file
  150 rows of  150 pixels in R4 format
 Open the output file
 Enter the filename:  (<CR> for default)
 Writing to an existing file
 There is one map in the file
 Enter the map number:  (default = one after the last map)
  250 rows of  250 pixels in R4 format
 Enter a command:
      F = Produces a fit to the sky background and writes it to
          the output file (default).  The average of the fit may be
          subtracted if desired.
      S = Produces a fit to the sky background, subtracts it from the original
          data, adds the average of the fit, and writes it to the output file
      B = Does both commands F and S (requires opening a second output file)
 Do you want to subtract the average of the fit from
 the sky output file?  (default = N)
 Enter the degree of the fit:  1 = plane (default),
 2 = paraboloid, etc.;  10 = maximum
 Enter an input method:
      AS = Position from cursor;  SAOimage already loaded
       S = Position from cursor;  need to load SAOimage
       M = Manual input of boundaries of only one rectangle (default)
           from which a fit will be obtained
 Select a frame buffer size:
                 1 =  512 X 512 (default)
                 2 =  800 X 800
                 3 = 1024 X 1024
                 4 = 1600 X 1600
                 5 = 2048 X 2048
                 6 = 4096 X 4096
                 7 = 4096 X 1024
                 8 = 1024 X 4096
                 9 = 1144 X  880
                10 = 1144 X  764
                11 =  128 X  128
                12 =  256 X  256
                13 =   90 X   90
 Enter start-column end-column start-row end-row:  (default = entire map)
 The upper left corner of the frame buffer is (0, 0)
 Enter the starting location of the lower left corner
 of the map boundary in the frame buffer:)
 (default = map centered in frame buffer)
 Enter the minimum and maximum intensities:  (defaults = 0 1000)
 Be sure SAOimage has focus;  position cursor at the lower left corner and
 press <CR>;  then position the cursor at the upper right corner and press <CR>
 (or type 0 to continue, - to delete the last set of pixels)
 Lower left:  Cursor in image  1;  file name = SKY2                          
           X, Y:  on TV desktop =      372       417
           X, Y:  in frame      =  187.500   326.500
           X, Y:  in map        =    7.500     5.500
 Upper right:  Cursor in image  1;  file name = SKY2                          
           X, Y:  on TV desktop =      384       403
           X, Y:  in frame      =  199.500   312.500
           X, Y:  in map        =   19.500    19.500
 Most probable value is being computed
 Most probable value =    104.7919    ,      Mean error =   0.3145860    
 Be sure SAOimage has focus;  position cursor at the lower left corner and
 press <CR>;  then position the cursor at the upper right corner and press <CR>
 (or type 0 to continue, - to delete the last set of pixels)
 Lower left:  Cursor in image  1;  file name = SKY2                          
           X, Y:  on TV desktop =      430       416
           X, Y:  in frame      =  245.500   325.500
           X, Y:  in map        =   65.500     6.500
 Upper right:  Cursor in image  1;  file name = SKY2                          
           X, Y:  on TV desktop =      442       404
           X, Y:  in frame      =  257.500   313.500
           X, Y:  in map        =   77.500    18.500
 Most probable value is being computed
 Most probable value =    107.4238    ,      Mean error =   0.3342307    
 Be sure SAOimage has focus;  position cursor at the lower left corner and
 press <CR>;  then position the cursor at the upper right corner and press <CR>
 (or type 0 to continue, - to delete the last set of pixels)
 Lower left:  Cursor in image  1;  file name = SKY2                          
           X, Y:  on TV desktop =      375       391
           X, Y:  in frame      =  190.500   300.500
           X, Y:  in map        =   10.500    31.500
 Upper right:  Cursor in image  1;  file name = SKY2                          
           X, Y:  on TV desktop =      388       379
           X, Y:  in frame      =  203.500   288.500
           X, Y:  in map        =   23.500    43.500
 Most probable value is being computed
 Most probable value =    106.7709    ,      Mean error =   0.4963088    
 Be sure SAOimage has focus;  position cursor at the lower left corner and
 press <CR>;  then position the cursor at the upper right corner and press <CR>
 (or type 0 to continue, - to delete the last set of pixels)
 Lower left:  Cursor in image  1;  file name = SKY2                          
           X, Y:  on TV desktop =      373       296
           X, Y:  in frame      =  188.500   205.500
           X, Y:  in map        =    8.500   126.500
 Upper right:  Cursor in image  1;  file name = SKY2                          
           X, Y:  on TV desktop =      390       278
           X, Y:  in frame      =  205.500   187.500
           X, Y:  in map        =   25.500   144.500
 Most probable value is being computed
 Most probable value =    105.0997    ,      Mean error =   0.4154976    
 Be sure SAOimage has focus;  position cursor at the lower left corner and
 press <CR>;  then position the cursor at the upper right corner and press <CR>
 (or type 0 to continue, - to delete the last set of pixels)
 Lower left:  Cursor in image  1;  file name = SKY2                          
           X, Y:  on TV desktop =      430       290
           X, Y:  in frame      =  245.500   199.500
           X, Y:  in map        =   65.500   132.500
 Upper right:  Cursor in image  1;  file name = SKY2                          
           X, Y:  on TV desktop =      450       278
           X, Y:  in frame      =  265.500   187.500
           X, Y:  in map        =   85.500   144.500
 Most probable value is being computed
 Most probable value =    107.2519    ,      Mean error =   0.2116412    
 Be sure SAOimage has focus;  position cursor at the lower left corner and
 press <CR>;  then position the cursor at the upper right corner and press <CR>
 (or type 0 to continue, - to delete the last set of pixels)
 Lower left:  Cursor in image  1;  file name = SKY2                          
           X, Y:  on TV desktop =      495       288
           X, Y:  in frame      =  310.500   197.500
           X, Y:  in map        =  130.500   134.500
 Upper right:  Cursor in image  1;  file name = SKY2                          
           X, Y:  on TV desktop =      508       277
           X, Y:  in frame      =  323.500   186.500
           X, Y:  in map        =  143.500   145.500
 Most probable value is being computed
 Most probable value =    104.8125    ,      Mean error =   0.3249300    
 Be sure SAOimage has focus;  position cursor at the lower left corner and
 press <CR>;  then position the cursor at the upper right corner and press <CR>
 (or type 0 to continue, - to delete the last set of pixels)
 Lower left:  Cursor in image  1;  file name = SKY2                          
           X, Y:  on TV desktop =      492       358
           X, Y:  in frame      =  307.500   267.500
           X, Y:  in map        =  127.500    64.500
 Upper right:  Cursor in image  1;  file name = SKY2                          
           X, Y:  on TV desktop =      508       336
           X, Y:  in frame      =  323.500   245.500
           X, Y:  in map        =  143.500    86.500
 Most probable value is being computed
 Most probable value =    107.9783    ,      Mean error =   0.6838021    
 Be sure SAOimage has focus;  position cursor at the lower left corner and
 press <CR>;  then position the cursor at the upper right corner and press <CR>
 (or type 0 to continue, - to delete the last set of pixels)
 Lower left:  Cursor in image  1;  file name = SKY2                          
           X, Y:  on TV desktop =      488       414
           X, Y:  in frame      =  303.500   323.500
           X, Y:  in map        =  123.500     8.500
 Upper right:  Cursor in image  1;  file name = SKY2                          
           X, Y:  on TV desktop =      503       397
           X, Y:  in frame      =  318.500   306.500
           X, Y:  in map        =  138.500    25.500
 Most probable value is being computed
 Most probable value =    105.4514    ,      Mean error =   0.4384751    
 Be sure SAOimage has focus;  position cursor at the lower left corner and
 press <CR>;  then position the cursor at the upper right corner and press <CR>
 (or type 0 to continue, - to delete the last set of pixels)
 Lower left:  Cursor in image  1;  file name = SKY2                          
           X, Y:  on TV desktop =      379       355
           X, Y:  in frame      =  194.500   264.500
           X, Y:  in map        =   14.500    67.500
 Upper right:  Cursor in image  1;  file name = SKY2                          
           X, Y:  on TV desktop =      395       336
           X, Y:  in frame      =  210.500   245.500
           X, Y:  in map        =   30.500    86.500
 Most probable value is being computed
 Most probable value =    108.7861    ,      Mean error =   0.3564392    
 Be sure SAOimage has focus;  position cursor at the lower left corner and
 press <CR>;  then position the cursor at the upper right corner and press <CR>
 (or type 0 to continue, - to delete the last set of pixels)
 The weighted average of the cursor box values of the sky =    106.463959
 The two-dimensional fit has been completed
 The mean error for an observation of average weight =    1.97768    
 Please wait ... 		!  This can be a long time for high degrees
 The average sky for the entire output map =    101.898    
 X**0Y**0         104.722       +-      6.84823    
 X**1Y**0        0.795727E-01   +-      10.2947    
 X**2Y**0       -0.597745E-03   +-      5.28115    
 X**0Y**1        0.164388E-01   +-      13.3588    
 X**1Y**1        0.783934E-04   +-      4.02087    
 X**0Y**2       -0.168991E-03   +-      7.57133    

 Enter an option:                               7-NOV-2000 20:05:30.58