

      DISPANN is a module which plots data from a character file of type 1
 against distance from the center of the object.  More than one plotting
 command can be entered.


 Enter an option:                              22-NOV-1991 14:53:07.42
 DISPANN, Version 1
 Open the data file
 Enter the file name:  (default = last entry)
 Enter the ID of the object:  (default = last entry)
 Enter one or more commands:
      1 = Displays average ADU vs. radius (default)
      2 = Displays log(average ADU) vs. log(radius)
      3 = Displays log(average ADU) vs. 1/4 power of radius
      4 = Displays log(integrated average ADU) vs. log(radius)
      5 = Displays X of center vs. radius
      6 = Displays Y of center vs. radius
      7 = Displays inclination vs. radius
      8 = Displays eccentricity vs. radius
      9 = Quits
 COMMANDS=1 5:8		    ....Here we choose commands 1, 5,6 ,7, and 8
 The minimum and maximum radii are     0.000 and   199.000.
 Enter the start radius and end radius for plotting:
 (default = entire range)
   199.000    		    ....The default was taken
 Enter the plot devices:
      G  = Graphics terminal (VT100/Retrographics and Visual 550, default)
      G1  = Graphics terminal (GraphOn)
      G2  = Graphics terminal (Codonics)
      G3  = Graphics terminal (Micro-term)
      F   = File
      T   = Tektronix 4662 flat bed plotter (1200 baud)
		    ....The same prompts are repeated for each plot 
			and are therefore skipped here.

 More objects to plot?  (default = N)
