

     NORMALIZE is a module which can normalize pixel values by the
 pixel average of each row, each map, or all maps in the file.


 Enter an option:                              10-SEP-2000 09:35:55.06
 NORMALIZE, Version 5
 Open the file to be normalized
 Enter the filename:  (<CR> for default)
 There is one map in the file
 Reading from the file
    1 rows of 1100 pixels in R4 format
 Open the output file
 Enter the filename:  (<CR> for default)
 Writing to an existing file
 There is one map in the file
    1 rows of 1100 pixels in R4 format
 Enter the output map number:  (default = 1 after last map)
 Enter a command:
      1 = Divides pixel values in each row by the row average
      2 = Divides pixel values in each map by the map average (default)
      3 = Divides pixel values in each map by the average of all the maps
 Enter an option:                              10-SEP-2000 09:39:09.21