

      PROFILE is a module which operates on a map of an extended object such
 as a galaxy or an oversampled star, and models its surface brightness,
 central coordinates, inclination, and eccentricity as a function of distance
 from its center outward along the major axis.  The output is written as
 a character file of type 1.  Options exist for extending the profile to
 large distances away from the object by averaging some of the parameters
 as the solution procedes.  One can extend the profile even further by 
 fitting a polynomial to the run of parameters with radius.  Interaction
 by the user with displays of the parameters as a function of radius enable
 one to take maximum advantage of this powerful option.


 Enter an option:                              14-NOV-1991 14:44:52.75
 PROFILE, Version 2
 Open the SAD file to be measured
 Enter the filename:  (<CR> for default)
 GALAXY		....A default was taken here
 There is one map in the file
 Reading from the file
  200 rows of  200 pixels in R4 format
 Enter a command:
       F = Coordinates, eccentricity, and inclination from file prepared
           by option CT
       M = Manual input of coordinates
 COMMAND=M	....Manual input was selected since no Grinnell was available
 Enter the column and row:  (default = last position, fractional values allowed)
 POSITION=101 102	....An educated guess
 Enter the estimated inclination:  (default = 0.0 degrees)
  0.000000E+00		....The default was taken
 Enter the estimated eccentricity:  (default = 0.0)
  0.000000E+00		....The default was taken
 Enter the outer radius:
 RADIUS=20		....Good signal-to-noise exists out to here
 Enter the sky level to be subtracted before integrating:  (default = minimum)
  -999.999    		....The sky isn't known accurately at this time, so
			    a default was taken.
 Enter the object's ID:  (default = last entry)
 Do you wish to add the results to an existing file?  (default = N)
 Enter the file name:  (default = last entry)
 FILE_22=30		....It is convenient to name the file the same as the
			    ID.  Later, all final results can be combined into
			    one file.
 Enter the fractional increment:  (default = 1.0)
   1.00000    		....The default is taken at the start
 Do you wish to solve for the center of each contour?  (default = Y)
			....When the derivative of a contour is greater than
			    or equal to zero, the solution has failed.  This
			    is because the signal-to-noise is to low or the
			    fractional increment is too large.
                                                 Derivative of contour  20  >= 0
    Average of contours   5 through  10
 Column      Row   Inclination  Eccentricity
 101.865  102.592   16.71       0.737
                                                 Derivative of contour  15  >= 0
                                                 Derivative of contour  19  >= 0
 102.696  102.830    6.22       0.672
                                                 Derivative of contour  19  >= 0
 102.736  102.971    4.42       0.656
                                                 Derivative of contour  19  >= 0
 102.744  103.004    4.51       0.655
                                                 Derivative of contour  18  >= 0
 102.743  103.011    4.59       0.654
 102.743  103.012    4.64       0.654
 102.743  103.011    4.66       0.654
                                                 Derivative of contour  20  >= 0
 102.743  103.011    4.67       0.654
                                                 Derivative of contour  18  >= 0
 102.743  103.010    4.67       0.654
                                                 Derivative of contour  19  >= 0
 102.743  103.010    4.68       0.653
                                                 Derivative of contour  18  >= 0
 Enter a choice:
      Y = Iterate 10 more times
      N = Do not iterate (default)
 CHOICE=Y		....We'll try again with a smaller fractional increment
 Enter the fractional increment:  (default = 1.0)
 Do you wish to solve for the center of each contour?  (default = Y)
                                                 Derivative of contour  18  >= 0
    Average of contours   5 through  10
 Column      Row   Inclination  Eccentricity
 102.743  103.010    4.68       0.653
 102.743  103.010    4.68       0.653
                                                 Derivative of contour  19  >= 0
 102.743  103.010    4.68       0.653
                                                 Derivative of contour  19  >= 0
                                                 Derivative of contour  20  >= 0
 102.743  103.010    4.68       0.653
 102.743  103.010    4.68       0.653
                                                 Derivative of contour  19  >= 0
 102.743  103.010    4.68       0.653
                                                 Derivative of contour  19  >= 0
                                                 Derivative of contour  20  >= 0
 102.743  103.010    4.68       0.653
                                                 Derivative of contour  20  >= 0
 102.743  103.010    4.68       0.653
                                                 Derivative of contour  18  >= 0
 102.743  103.010    4.68       0.653
 102.743  103.010    4.68       0.653
                                                 Derivative of contour  19  >= 0
 Enter a choice:
      Y = Iterate 10 more times
      N = Do not iterate (default)
			....It looks like the signal-to-noise is too high for
			    contours 18 to 20, so we'll continue by averaging
			    parameters in the solution form contours 17 on out.
 Do you wish to extend the profile?  (default = N)
 Enter the inner and outer radii for the extension:
 RADII=17 30		....We'll see if we can get out as far as contour 30
 Enter a choice:
      Y = Iterate 10 more times
      N = Do not iterate (default)
      A = Iterate, but write single averages for Xc, Yc, inclination,
          and eccentricity
 Enter the fractional increment:  (default = 1.0)
 Do you wish to solve for the center of each contour?  (default = Y)
    Average of contours  17 through  22
 Column      Row   Inclination  Eccentricity
 102.785  102.046   21.84       0.648
 102.232  102.027   40.19       0.593
 102.694  101.443   22.19       0.566
                                                 Derivative of contour  29  >= 0
                                                 Derivative of contour  30  >= 0
 102.908  102.074   26.82       0.589
                                                 Derivative of contour  30  >= 0
 102.543  102.182   27.31       0.485
 102.393  102.082   15.36       0.513
                                                 Derivative of contour  28  >= 0
                                                 Derivative of contour  29  >= 0
                                                 Derivative of contour  30  >= 0
 102.136  102.053   28.05       0.505
                                                 Derivative of contour  27  >= 0
                                                 Derivative of contour  28  >= 0
                                                 Derivative of contour  29  >= 0
                                                 Derivative of contour  30  >= 0
 102.393  101.887   20.22       0.511
 102.374  101.947   28.53       0.576
 102.506  101.765   24.40       0.603
 Enter a choice:
      Y = Iterate 10 more times
      N = Do not iterate (default)
      A = Iterate, but write single averages for Xc, Yc, inclination,
          and eccentricity
 Enter the fractional increment:  (default = 1.0)
 INCREMENT=.5		....We'll try decreasing this
 Do you wish to solve for the center of each contour?  (default = Y)
    Average of contours  17 through  22
 Column      Row   Inclination  Eccentricity
 102.851  101.840   21.59       0.608
 102.686  101.928   30.94       0.614
 102.926  101.921   23.77       0.621
 102.852  101.915   31.79       0.623
 103.082  101.904   26.08       0.639
                                                 Derivative of contour  30  >= 0
 102.980  101.918   27.85       0.646
                                                 Derivative of contour  28  >= 0
                                                 Derivative of contour  29  >= 0
                                                 Derivative of contour  30  >= 0
 102.998  101.828   26.50       0.658
 103.055  101.953   24.89       0.657
 103.109  102.041   24.88       0.661
                                                 Derivative of contour  30  >= 0
 103.065  102.097   24.94       0.670
			....The outer contours have too low a signal.  Now
			    we'll extend outward by fitting a polynomial to
			    an input range of radii, and use those values
			    to assign values to radii at large distances from
			    the center.
 Enter a choice:
      Y = Iterate 10 more times
      N = Do not iterate (default)
      A = Iterate, but write single averages for Xc, Yc, inclination,
          and eccentricity
		....The program writes the fourier coefficients to the log file.
		    These values do not appear on the screen.
 ID        K    Cos(4E)    Sin(4E)  Cos(2E)  Sin(2E)   Cos(E)   Sin(E)    Deriv
 30        0     0.0000     0.0000    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000     0.00
 30        1    -2.1369     0.0000    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000   -43.01
 30        2    -0.9630    -4.5818    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000  -107.08
 30        3    -1.8790     1.2882    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000  -107.36
 30        4    -0.6090     2.2229    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000   -72.68
 30        5     2.7449    -0.4036    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000   -56.20
 30        6     0.3621    -0.8960    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000   -39.37
 30        7     0.5195     0.5935    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000   -26.33
 30        8     0.2962     1.2180    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000   -17.33
 30        9    -0.3984     2.1552    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000   -12.24
 30       10     1.2634    -0.1840    0.000    0.000    0.000   -0.001   -13.00
 30       11     1.9597     0.5618    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000    -6.98
 30       12    -0.2242     0.1959    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000    -4.29
 30       13    -0.2622    -0.3169    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000    -5.42
 30       14     0.8146    -0.5501    0.000    0.000    0.000    0.000    -2.51
 30       15    -0.2954    -0.9485   -0.001    0.000    0.000   -0.002    -3.00
 30       16    -0.4682    -0.2498   -0.360    0.122   -0.182    0.495    -1.00
 30       17     0.5661    -0.5060   -0.001    0.003    0.001   -0.001    -0.99
 30       18    -1.0603     0.3686    0.656    0.035   -0.095   -0.797    -0.91
 30       19    -0.1884     1.1182   -0.408    0.768   -0.722    0.791    -0.83
 30       20    -1.5677     1.0231   -0.015   -0.033   -0.019    0.010    -0.76
 30       21    -1.4268     1.4536    0.381   -0.224   -0.282   -0.228    -0.68
 30       22    -0.0939    -0.1074   -0.311   -0.960    0.520    0.592    -0.61
 30       23    -0.0932    -0.2462    0.122   -0.004   -0.040   -0.014    -0.54
 30       24     0.0433     0.4375    0.352    0.099   -0.081   -0.174    -0.46
 30       25     0.5516     0.3167   -0.249    0.783   -0.317    0.330    -0.39
 30       26    -0.0505     0.2691   -0.140    0.086    0.359   -0.542    -0.31
 30       27    -0.2233    -0.5427   -0.575   -1.617    0.239   -0.235    -0.24
 30       28     0.3166    -0.0811    0.105   -1.202   -0.850   -0.673    -0.17
 30       29     0.2280     0.7631    0.214    0.938    1.474   -0.396    -0.09
 30       30     0.3042    -0.1018    0.738   -0.793   -0.550    0.387    -0.02
			....In order to select an input range, we must display
			    the solution for X, Y, inclination, and eccentricity
			    as a graph.
 Enter one or more commands:
      1 = Displays average ADU vs. radius (default)
      2 = Displays log(average ADU) vs. log(radius)
      3 = Displays log(average ADU) vs. 1/4 power of radius
      4 = Displays log(integrated average ADU) vs. log(radius)
      5 = Displays X of center vs. radius
      6 = Displays Y of center vs. radius
      7 = Displays inclination vs. radius
      8 = Displays eccentricity vs. radius
      9 = Quits
 Enter the ID of the object:  (default = last entry)
 The minimum and maximum radii are     0.000 and    30.000.
 Enter the start radius and end radius for plotting:
 (default = entire range)
 Enter the plot devices:
      G  = Graphics terminal (VT100/Retrographics and Visual 550, default)
      G1  = Graphics terminal (GraphOn)
      G2  = Graphics terminal (Codonics)
      G3  = Graphics terminal (Micro-term)
      F   = File
      T   = Tektronix 4662 flat bed plotter (1200 baud)
			....These same prompts are repeated for each of
			    the four plots.

 More objects to plot?  (default = N)
 Do you wish to smooth the profile parameters?  (default = Y)
 Enter the degrees for smoothing the parameters Xc, Yc, inclination, and
 eccentricity:  (default = 0 for all)
 Note:  0 = simple averaging, negative integer = no smoothing
          0		....We have selected simple averaging for each
			    of the four parameters since no trend was 
			    visible in the plots.
 If any of the four outer output radii require an extrapolation,
 the largest of them will enforce that extrapolation on all
 four parameters.
 Enter the input and output pairs of radii for the smoothing of
 Xc:  (default = previous entry range)
 RANGE=27 30 27 100		....The input range is 27 to 30, and
				    the output range is 27 to 100
 The outer output radius will be assumed to have this value
 You can skip giving its value if you do not want a greater extension
 Enter the input and output pairs of radii for the smoothing of
 Yc:  (default = previous entry range)
   27.0000    			....A default was taken
 Enter the input and output pairs of radii for the smoothing of
 Inclination:  (default = previous entry range)
 RANGE=26 30 26 100
 Enter the input and output pairs of radii for the smoothing of
 Eccentricity:  (default = previous entry range)
 RANGE=26 29 26 100		....Contour number 30 was not as good for
				    the eccentricity.
 Enter the sky level to be subtracted before integrating:  (default = minimum)
  -999.999    			....We don't know the correct sky yet.
      Coefficients of smoothing functions
 Parameter    Degree of coefficient   Coefficient
      Xc                0               100.9878
      Yc                0               102.9638
 Inclination            0                32.7580
 Eccentricity           0                 0.6250
 Enter one or more commands:
      1 = Displays average ADU vs. radius (default)
      2 = Displays log(average ADU) vs. log(radius)
      3 = Displays log(average ADU) vs. 1/4 power of radius
      4 = Displays log(integrated average ADU) vs. log(radius)
      5 = Displays X of center vs. radius
      6 = Displays Y of center vs. radius
      7 = Displays inclination vs. radius
      8 = Displays eccentricity vs. radius
      9 = Quits
          1		....Now we will look at the surface brightness
			    distribution and gauge the sky level 
 Enter the ID of the object:  (default = last entry)
 The minimum and maximum radii are     0.000 and   100.000.
 Enter the start radius and end radius for plotting:
 (default = entire range)
 Enter the plot devices:
      G  = Graphics terminal (VT100/Retrographics and Visual 550, default)
      G1  = Graphics terminal (GraphOn)
      G2  = Graphics terminal (Codonics)
      G3  = Graphics terminal (Micro-term)
      F   = File
      T   = Tektronix 4662 flat bed plotter (1200 baud)
			....We use command R when the plot is displayed
			    on a graphics terminal in order to magnify
			    the plot so as to obtain an accurate sky level.
			    This level is used later when writing the
			    character file back to the map in order to
			    reconstruct the galaxy.  Here we find that
			    the sky is 400.040 units.  We also find that
			    the data beyond a radius of 73 pixels along
			    the major axis is not as good and so will
			    be edited out of the character file.
 More objects to plot?  (default = N)
 Do you wish to smooth the profile parameters?  (default = Y)
 SMOOTH=N		....We have already done this.
