

      REFCENT is a module which corrects a two-dimensional spectrum for the
 effects of differential refraction in the atmosphere.  Each column of data is
 shifted vertically by means of a tapered sinc interpolation.  The amount of 
 shift is calculated from the zenith distance of the observation, the 
 orientation of the slit relative to the horizon, and a model for the 
 refractive index (7th order fit to parameters in Allen's "Astrophysical 
 Quantities").  Because this module requires a lot of cpu time, it is best 
 to run it as a batch job.


 Enter an option:                              21-MAR-1989 11:32:06.52
 REFCENT, Version 4
 Open the file of spectral data for which atmospheric dispersion effects
 are to be removed:
 Enter the filename:  (<CR> for default)
 There is one map in the file
 Reading from the file
   10 rows of  576 pixels in R4 format
 Enter the effective wavelength at which the guiding was done:
 (units of Angstroms)
 Enter the scale along the slit:  (arc seconds/pixel)
 Enter the position angle of the slit on the sky:  (degrees E of N)
 Is the horizon toward the low row side of the slit?  (default = Y)
 Enter a choice:
      H = Latitude, declination, and hour angle
          from SAD header information
      M = Manual input of above quantities (default)
 Enter the latitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds:
 LATITUDE=32 0 0
 Enter the declination in degrees, minutes, and seconds:
 Enter the hour angle in hours, minutes, and seconds:  (East < 0)
 HOUR_ANGLE=-2 03 40
 Open a file for the shifted data
 NMAPS=    1 NPLNS=    1 NROWS=    10 NELS=   576
 Enter the filename:  (<CR> for default)
 Creating new file
 Do you wish to copy the header from the input to output file?  (default = Y)
 Maximum shift was:     -2.74 pixels at   4500.00  Angstroms

 		If the file contains several maps, after doing the first
 		map, use option DO, e.g., OPTION=DO($=2:11).RF(MAPI=$,MAPO=$)