5.1 USRINP SUBROUTINE

                 This subroutine accepts numerical and character  information

            from the user in free format with defaults.




            NAME     I/O  TYPE          DESCRIPTION

            NAME     I/O  TYPE          DESCRIPTION

            A         C    R4     is the array of dimension N.  Usually  this

                                  is  the  output  it  is also used to supply

                                  default information to the user.

            N         C    R4     is the dimension of A.  Can be 1 if A is  a

                                  simple variable

            TYPE      C    CHAR   'F'  real  numbers  returned  unless  input

                                  contains alphanumeric information.

                                  'I' Integers are returned.

                                  'A'    Alphanumeric    information.      No

                                  conversions are made.

                                  'L' Logical.  A is true if  reply  is  yes,

                                  ja,  or  true.   A is false if reply is no,

                                  nee,  or  false.   The  first   letter   is

                                  sufficient.   Note  that  logical variables

                                  can be declared as LOGICAL in  the  calling

                                  program but must have LENGTH=1.

            LENGTH    C    I4     is the data type length in bytes.  1, 2, 4,

                                  end  8 are possible.  See note on length of

                                  logical variables above.

            DEFAULT   C    I4     0 No defualt is possible; user is forced to


                                  1 Default is input  values  of  A  if  user

                                    replys with <CR>.

                                  2 Default  is  input  values  of  A  if  no

                                    keyword is present.

                                  3 Suppresses printing of values.

            KEYWORD   C    CHAR   The keyword is used to supply the parameter

                                  in  advance.   It  must  end  with an = and

                                  cannot have a space, e.g., 'STAR='.

            MESSAGE   C    CHAR   Message to user if keyword  is  or  is  not


                                                                Page 2

                 The input is in free format.  Real numbers can be  given  in

            exponential  format.   Reals  and  integers  must be separated by

            blanks or commas.   For  these  types  it  is  possible  to  give

            do-loops  in the format s:e[:i] without separations symbols where

            s=startv e=endvalue, and i=incrementvalue (default  i=1).   (Max.

            10  do-loops  in one string).  Array A is filled up with "ENDLIN"

            double words, "ENDLIN" words,or binary zeros depending  on  TYPE.

            The input is decoded by DCD.  Do not use the tab.

            Example:  To read one number into the R*4 variable  XMAG  with  a

            default value of 13.7 XMAG=13.7 CALL:

                  CALL USRINP(XMAG,1,'F',4,0,'MAGNITUDE=','Enter the 


                                                                Page 3

            5.2 ALPHA SUBROUTINE

                 This subroutine is designed to deal with character data from





            NAME     I/O  TYPE          DESCRIPTION

            NAME     I/O  TYPE          DESCRIPTION

            A         C    BYTE   is the input array.

            N         C    I4     is the dimension of A.

            LENGTH    C    I4     is the length of the words (in bytes).

            NCHAR     R    I4     is the number of actual characters.

            NFULL     R    I4     is the number of full words.

            NREST     R    I4     is the number of remaining characters.

            NPOS      C    I4     is  the  possibility  selector;  if  1,  it

                                  counts  the  number  of  characters in each

                                  word; if 2, it sets the remaining  "0"s  to

                                  blanks;  if  3,  it  counts  the  number of

                                  characters  in  each  word   exclusive   of

                                  control   characters;  if  4  it  sets  the

                                  remaining 0's and ,'s to blanks and  places

                                  each word in its correct position.

            Example:  NAME is CHARACTER*40;  USRINP reads it in:

                  CALL USRINP(%REF(NAME),1,'A',40,1,'FILE=','Enter the filename:

                 1(default = last entry)')

            Then ALPHA is called returning the length of the string.

                  CALL ALPHA(%REF(NAME),1,40,LX,NF,NR,1)

            Example:  COLORS(10) is CHARACTER*7;  USRINP reads it in:

                  CALL USRINP(%REF(COLORS),10,'A',7,0,'COLORS=','Enter the

                 1colors:  (default = RED)')

            The user then responds with RED WHITE BLUE 

            Then ALPHA is called, setting zeros to  blanks  and  placing  the

            entries in their correct positions within the word.

                  CALL ALPHA(%REF(COLOR),10,6,LX,NF,NR,1)

            The result is RED    WHITE  BLUE

                                                                Page 4

            5.3 MESSAGE SUBROUTINE

                 This subroutine is used to send all messages  to  the  user.

            It  saves  writing  FORMAT  statements  and  WRITE statements and

            automatically logs the message to file "007".  (This is the "log"

            file in MIIPS).

            Example:  CALL MESSAGE('Enter the start radius and end

                     1radius for plotting:')

                                                                Page 5

            5.4 LINFIT1D SUBROUTINE

                 This subroutine does a linear least squares fit to  weighted

            data  and returns the parameters of the fit and their errors.  If

            desired, selected  coefficients  may  be  held  constant  in  the

            solution.   There  is  no  limit on the degree of the polynomial.

            For plotting purposes, an array is filled with calculated  values

            corresponding to the values in the array XPLOT.  For spline fits,

            this is the only meaningful returned value.





            NAME           I/O  TYPE        DESCRIPTION

            NAME           I/O  TYPE        DESCRIPTION

            X               C    R8   is an array containing  the  values  of

                                      the independent variable.

            DATA            C    R8   is an array containing the observations

                                      to be fitted.

            WEIGHT          C    R8   is an array for  the  weights  of  each


            NPOINTS         C    I4   is the dimension  of  the  above  three

                                      arrays  and  the number of points to be


            DEGREE          C/R  I4   is the degree of the polynomial fit  if

                                      .GE.   0.   If DEGREE=-1, the degree of

                                      the polynomial fit  is  asked  for;  if

                                      DEGREE=-2, the degree of the polynomial

                                      fit and the coefficients which  are  to

                                      be  held  constant  are  asked  for; if

                                      DEGREE=-3, the type of fit is asked for

                                      and  if  it  is to be a polynomial, the

                                      degree and coefficients which are to be

                                      held   constant   are   asked  for;  if

                                      DEGREE=-99, a spline fit is done.

            CONSTANTTERMS   C    LOG  is an array which is  .TRUE.   if  that

                                      coefficient  is to be held constant and

                                      not solved for.

            COEFF           C/R  R8   is an array containing the coefficients

                                      of the polynomial of the fit.

            COVARIANCE      R    R8   is an array containing the covariances.

            MEANERROR       R    R8   is the mean error for an observation of

                                      average weight.

                                                                Page 6

            XPLOT           C    R4   is an array  containing  points  to  be

                                      evaluated with the fitted function.

            YPLOT           R    R4   is an array  containing  the  evaluated

                                      points from XPLOT.

            NPLPOINTS       C    I4   is  the  dimension  of  the  above  two

                                      arrays   and   the   number  of  points

                                      contained therein.

                                                                Page 7

            5.5 LINFIT2D SUBROUTINE

                 This subroutine does a two-dimensional linear least  squares

            polynomial fit to weighted data and returns the parameters of the

            fit and their errors.  There is no limit on  the  degree  of  the

            polynomial.   For  plotting  purposes,  an  array  is filled with

            calculated values corresponding to the values in the arrays XPLOT

            and YPLOT.  For spline fits, this is the only meaningful returned






            NAME           I/O  TYPE        DESCRIPTION

            X               C    R8   is an array containing  the  values  of

                                      the X independent variable.

            Y               C    R8   is an array containing  the  values  of

                                      the Y independent variable.

            DATA            C    R8   is an array containing the observations

                                      to be fitted.

            WEIGHT          C    R8   is an array for  the  weights  of  each


            NPOINTS         C    I4   is the dimensions of  the  above  three

                                      arrays  and  the number of points to be


            DEGREE          C/R  I4   is the degree of the polynomial fit  if

                                      .GE.   0.   If DEGREE=-1, the degree of

                                      the polynomial fit  is  asked  for;  if

                                      DEGREE=-2, the degree of the polynomial

                                      fit and the coefficients which  are  to

                                      be  held  constant  are  asked  for; if

                                      DEGREE=-3, the type of fit is asked for

                                      and  if  it  is to be a polynomial, the

                                      degree and coefficients which are to be

                                      held   constant   are   asked  for;  if

                                      DEGREE=-99, a spline fit is done.

            CONSTANTTERMS   C    LOG  is an array which is  .TRUE.   if  that

                                      coefficient  is to be held constant and

                                      not solved for.

            COEFF           C/R  R8   is    the    array    containing    the

                                      coefficients  of the fit.  For the case

                                      of DEGREE=3, the order of  coefficients

                                      corresponds to the order of the terms 1

                                      X X**2 X**3 Y XY X**2Y Y**2 XY**2 Y**3.

                                                                Page 8

                                      The  sequence  of crossproduct terms is

                                      the upper left triangular part  of  the

                                      crossproduct matrix arranged columnwise

                                      where the crossproduct  matrix  is  the

                                      product  of a square matrix with powers

                                      of X in the first column with a  square

                                      matrix  with  powers  of Y in the first

                                      row and zero elsewhere.

            COVARIANCE      R    R8   is an array containing the covariances.

            MEANERROR       R    R8   is the mean error for an observation of

                                      average weight.

            XPLOT           C    R4   is an array containing the X points  to

                                      be evaluated with the fitted function.

            YPLOT           C    R4   is an array containing the Y points  to

                                      be evaluated with the fitted function.

            DATPLOT         R    R4   is an array  containing  the  evaluated

                                      points to be plotted with XPLOT.

            NPLPOINTS       C    I4   is  the  dimension  of  the  above  two

                                      arrays   and   the   number  of  points

                                      contained therein.

                                                                Page 9


                 This subroutine  does  a  nonlinear  least  squares  fit  to

            weighted  data  and  returns  the parameters of the fit and their

            errors.  If desired, certain coefficients may be held constant in

            the solution.  The dimensions of the independent variable and the

            data are unrestricted.  The number of points to be  fit  and  the

            number of parameters to be solved for are also unrestricted.  For

            plotting purposes, an array  is  filled  with  calculated  values

            corresponding  to the values in the array XPLOT.  The weights are

            not required to be normalized, ie., they  are  relative  weights.

            For  each  new function category, new subroutines which calculate

            the function and its derivative must be created.  These  must  be

            referenced  in subroutines NLFUN and NLDER.  The object codes for

            subroutines NLFUN,  NLDER,  NLFUN#,  and  NLDER#  belong  in  the

            NONLINFIT  library.   In the calling program, the plotting arrays

            XPLOT and DATPLOT must be dimensioned at least as  large  as  the

            number of points and the dimension of the data.  See the programs


            DISPGAL,  CLUSCOUNT,  NLTEST8,  SADFIT,  and  SUBSTAR for further

            details on dimensioning and the subroutines NLFUN# and NLDER# for

            how to loop through the calculations.







            NAME            I/O TYPE        DESCRIPTION

            NAME            I/O TYPE        DESCRIPTION

            X                C   R8    is the array containing the values  of

                                       the independent variable.

            MAXNPOINTS       C   I4    is the dimension of the array X.  This

                                       is greater than or equal to the number

                                       of points to be fit.

            DIMENSION_IND    C   I4    is the dimension  of  the  independent


            DATA             C   R8    is    an    array    containing    the

                                       observations to be fitted.

            DIMENSION_DATA   C   I4    is the dimension of the data

            WEIGHT           C   R8    is an array for the  weights  of  each


            IX               C   I4    is an array  containing  the  starting

                                       and ending indexes of the data for the


                                                               Page 10

            FUNCAT           C   I4    is  the   number   of   the   function

                                       category, ie., this selects the NLFUN 

                                       and NLDER  that has been written for a

                                       particular  category  of solution.  If

                                       it is zero in the call, it is prompted


            CHOICE           C   CHAR6 is  the  choice  of  fitting  function

                                       within  a  function  category.  Only 5

                                       character locations are available  for

                                       usage.   The sixth position is used as

                                       a flag by the NLFUN  when filling  the

                                       plot array.

            CONSTANTTERMS    C   LOG   is an array which is .TRUE.   if  that

                                       coefficient is to be held constant and

                                       not solved for.  If NUMPARAM  is  .LE.

                                       zero in the call, the user is prompted

                                       for which parameters to hold constant.

            PARAMETRS        C/R R8    is   the    array    containing    the

                                       coefficients of the fitting function.

            MAXNUMPARAM      C   I4    is the maximum  number  of  parameters

                                       desired  to  be  fit  by  the  calling


            NUMPARAM         C/R I4    is a number such that in the call, the

                                       absolute  value gives the total number

                                       of parameters in the function.  If  it

                                       is  zero  in  the  call,  the  user is

                                       prompted for the number.  The absolute

                                       value is always returned.

            ITERATION_SCHEME C   CHAR1 is the scheme  for  iterating:   A  is

                                       automatic with maximum searching; B is

                                       automatic with minimum searching; C is

                                       automatic  with  no  searching;  M  is

                                       manual.  If ITERATIONSCHEME  is  blank

                                       in  the call or M, the user is promted

                                       for the value and  also  prompted  for

                                       the  initial  value  of the fractional


            TOLERANCE        C/R R4    is  the   fractional   tolerance   for

                                       continuing  the  automatic iterations.

                                       If it is zero  in  the  call  and  the

                                       ITERATIONSCHEME  =  'A',  'B', or 'C',

                                       the user is prompted  for  the  value.

                                       If  the  change  in  any  parameter is

                                       greater than TOLERANCE times  the  sum

                                       of  the  parameter and its mean error,

                                       iteration is continued.

            INTERMEDIATE     C   LOG   is   a    logical    variable    which

                                                               Page 11

                                       determnines  whether  the intermediate

                                       results are printed on the terminal.

            OPERATE          C   LOG   is a logical variable which determines

                                       whether  to  perform  a  user  defined

                                       operation in  the  subroutines  NLFUN#

                                       and NLDER#.

            COVARIANCE       R   R8    is    an    array    containing    the


            MEANERROR        R   R8    is the mean error for  an  observation

                                       of average weight.

            XPLOT            C   R4    is an  array  containing  points  from

                                       each   dimension  of  the  independent

                                       variable  to  be  evaluated  with  the

                                       fitted function.

            DATPLOT          R   R4    is an array containing  the  evaluated

                                       points from XPLOT.

            NPLPOINTS        C   I4    is the number of points to be plotted

                                                               Page 12

            5.7 CONVLV2DG SUBROUTINE

                 This subroutine will convlove  the  array  ARAYIN  with  the

            array  SMEAR.   The values in ARRAYIN and SMEAR are assumed to be

            symmetric about the first element (index = 0).   This  subroutine

            is  useful for convolving galaxy surface brightness distributions

            with a seeing distribution when there are  few  pixels  resolving

            the center of the galaxy.  The information in ARRYIN and RADIUSIN

            can be arranged so that the step size in radius  is  smallest  at

            the  center  of the galaxy.  There are no restrictions on how the

            step size is determined but it should be set up  in  the  calling






            NAME      I/O  TYPE         DESCRIPTION

            ARRAYIN    C    R4    is the array containing the information  to

                                  be convolved.

            RADIUSIN   C    R4    is the array containing  the  corresponding

                                  radii for each element of ARRAYIN.

            SIZE       C    I4    is the dimension of the above 2 arrays.

            SMEAR      C    R4    is  the  smearing  function  taken  to   be

                                  symmetric about the first index.  The index

                                  is equal to the radius measured in pixels.

            NPTSS      C    I4    is the number of data points or  pixels  in

                                  the  array  SMEAR  and the dimension of the


            ARRAYOUT   R    R4    is the output array.

            NPTS       C    I4    is the dimension of the array ARRAYOUT  and

                                  the maximum radius measured in pixels.

            NPTSC      C    I4    is the number of points  or  pixels  to  be

                                  convolved.   If  the  entire range is to be

                                  convolved it should equal  NPTS  but  if  a

                                  saving  in  time is desired it can be less.

                                  If NPTSC < NPTS, ARRAYOUT will contain  the

                                  unconvolved information for indexes > NPTSC

                                  - 1.

            NANGLES    C    I4    is the number of different angles at  which

                                  the  function  is  sampled;  36  is  a good

                                  number.  72 is the current maximum.

                                                               Page 13


                 This subroutine computes various quantitites associated with

            the Planck function.





            NAME        I/O TYPE        DESCRIPTION

            TEMP         C   R4   is the temperature in degrees Kelvin.

            WAVELEN      C   R4   is the wavelength in microns.

            WAVELENMAX   R   R4   is the wavelength in microns of the peak in

                                  the blackbody spectrum,

            SPECIFINT    R   R4   is the specific intensity in  ergs/sec/cm2/


            BLBDYINT     R   R4   is   the   black    body    intensity    in

                                  ergs/sec/cm2/ steradian.

            DBB1         R   R4   is the first derivative of  SPECIFINT  with

                                  respect to microns.

            DBB2         R   R4   is  the  second  derivative  of   SPECIFINT

                                  REAL*8 C1,C2,C3, C4,C5,C6,PI,SIGMA.

                                                               Page 14

            5.9 BELL SUBROUTINE

                 This subroutine rings the  bell  on  a  terminal.   This  is

            useful  for  notifying a user when a process has completeled or a

            response is required.

                                                               Page 15

            5.10 INTERP1D SUBROUTINE

                 This subroutine linearly interpolates to find a value within

            the  range of ARRAY2 corresponding to the value chosen within the

            range of ARRAY1.  The interval between values is  allowed  to  be

            arbitrary,  hovever,  it is assumed that the values in ARRAY1 are

            monotonically increasing or decreasing.




            NAME        I/O TYPE        DESCRIPTION

            NAME        I/O TYPE        DESCRIPTION

            ARRAY1       C   R4   is the array for the independent variable.

            ARRAY2       C   R4   is the array for the dependent variable.

            MAXSIZE      C   I4   is the dimension of ARRAY1 and ARRAY2.

            VALUE1       C   R4   is the known  value  within  the  range  of


            VALUE2       R   R4   is the requested value within the range  of


                                                               Page 16

            5.11 INTERP2D SUBROUTINE

                 This function does two-dimensional interpolation when  given

            a  fractional  pixel  location.   The  pixel  intensities of four

            pixels are averaged  with  weights  determined  by  the  area  of

            overlap  of  a  single  pixel  centered  on  the given fractional

            location.  The actual pixels used are determined by what quadrant

            of the original pixel the given point lies in.


                  CALL INTERP2D(DATA,NCOL,NROW,S,Y)


            NAME        I/I TYPE        DESCRIPTION

            NAME        I/I TYPE        DESCRIPTION

            DATA         C   R4   is the array containing the data.

            NCOL         C   I4   is  the  dimension  of  DATA   in   the   X


            NROW         C   I4   is  the  dimension  of  DATA   in   the   Y


            X            C   R4   is the pixel location in  the  x  direction

                                  where  X=1.0 is the smallest value that can

                                  reference the array.

            Y            C   R4   is like X but in the Y direction.